The Ballad of Cora Couch Lovell: Warner Hill
Still, there is a legend to be told. The story of a tireless woman who once walked this stretch of Appalachian Trail in the pitch dark at 2 a.m. for a newspaper scoop.
12 Winter Hikes for Families
Winter is a wonderful time of year to hike. Blankets of snow and the crisp, cold air bring a fresh perspective to many of our favorite, familiar places. Views are clearer and unobstructed, bugs are a non-issue, and animal tracks turn us all into snow detectives. Check out some of our favorite spots for Winter family hiking. Pile on the layers and get out there already! Be sure to have the cocoa ready for your return...
Picnics, Paths, & Pebbles - Bullitt Reservation
I don't think you could there be a more perfect picnic spot than Bullitt Reservation. Between the tree-dotted hillside, the fragrant breeze of the expansive fields, and the plentiful bird sightings, we passed a memorable hour over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.