Haunted Hikes of the Berkshires
For a county as old as the Berkshires, it would be impossible not to have our share of the paranormal. With well over 116,000 acres of the region conserved for public land use, it's also no surprise that many of these spooky encounters occurred during recreational activities like hiking. At Berkshire Family Hikes we're always looking for inroads to get more people exploring their outdoors, and maybe a jaunt with the things that haunt our local woods is precisely the adventure you've been searching for.

Maple Seed Dragonflies
Helicopters, whirlybirds, twisters, propellers, or whirligigs - whatever you call the seeds of the maple tree, they are a source of fun no matter your age. The scientific term for these flying wonders is samara. Find them abundantly littering the ground under a variety of trees in spring and fall.