20 Open-Air Spaces for Berkshire Families

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With every aspect of our lives suddenly disrupted, nature and outdoor activities provide essential stability, stress-relief and distraction to the current crisis. Lucky for us, the Berkshires is bursting with open-air spaces.

With Spring on the horizon and increasing uncertainties ahead, there is no better time to get outside and let nature work it's magic.


Here are 20 family-friendly hikes we've reviewed to jumpstart your adventures.

  1. Balance Rock State Park
  2. Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary
  3. Wahconah Falls State Park
  4. Old Mill Trail
  5. Steven's Glen
  6. Getty Memorial Conservation Area
  7. Mountain Meadow
  8. Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary
  9. Natural Bridge State Park
  10. Greylock Glen Meadow
  11. Historic Becket Quarry
  12. Ashuwillticook Rail Trail
  13. Dorothy Frances Rice Wildlife Sanctuary
  14. Crane's Pond
  15. Field Farm
  16. Longcope Park
  17. Road's End Wildlife Sanctuary
  18. Thomas & Palmer Brook
  19. Bullard Woods
  20. Constitution Hill

Handmade Nature Boards & Inserts available in our Etsy Shop!

COVID-19 Hiking Best Practices

  • Check access before you go, many areas are closed during this time.
  • If you or anyone in your group is feeling sick, STAY HOME.
  • If parking areas are crowded, choose a different space to explore.
  • Give a wide berth to other hikers and allow for at least 6-feet for passing.
  • Practice Carry-In/Carry-Out & Leave No Trace rules. Trash receptacles should not be used.
  • Bathroom and office facilities will be closed to the public.



Great Spot! - Kennedy Park


Eat Like an Insect - Indoor Nature Connection Day 6